Can I work with a Surrogate I already know?

The costs around surrogacy and all the steps leading up to surrogacy can add up very fast and, in some states, even buy you a house, but there no price you can put on bring a little life in to this world and have a family of your own. There are so many people willing to help you with that, and one might be someone that you know that is willing to carry the baby for you. You might think that this is one way that might save you a little money along the way. This might also mean a cheaper agency fee as well because the agency is no longer finding a surrogate for you that meets your needs. This is a great thing, right? Well maybe, but there are some things that you might want to consider.

The relationship you have with that person is something to consider. Surrogacy is a journey that might have some road bumps and struggles along the way. You might want to consider how this might put a strain on that relationship. Can this relationship withstand all those struggles and challenges? Also, keep in mind that there are good moments that you will share together as well, not everything is bad or a struggle. Can you make those hard choices together and will you guys agree on those hard choices you might have to make, because that is very important as well. 

 There are so many things that you will have to do with this person that you still have to do if you didn’t know the surrogate. You both need your own lawyer to draw up the legal contract. You need to acquire health insurance that covers surrogacy if the surrogates does not. These are just some things that you might want to look into. The agency can always help with every step along the way as well.

Are you ready to become a parent?